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工作職責 根據當班班長(cháng)的要求 ,進(jìn)行合理生産,服從班長(cháng)的工作安排和調動; 嚴格依據技術要求生産産品; 每一道(dào)工序完成(chéng)後(hòu)檢查産品質量; 每日應做設備點檢,在工作中應随時注意設備工作狀态(是否漏氣、漏水、漏油、漏電、異響等等); 保證工作崗位幹淨清潔; 與公司及領導方向(xiàng)保持一緻, 完成(chéng)上級領導交代的其他工作。 任職要求 年齡18-32周歲,有汽車行業工作經(jīng)驗優先考慮,家住在虎石台附近優先考慮; 中專以上學(xué)曆; 吃苦耐勞,身體健康; 服從上級領導的安排。 薪酬福利 綜合月薪:3500-4000元; 入職繳納五險一金,有年底獎金; 免費體檢,免費勞保,免費午餐。 聯系方式 郵箱 電話:024-31288660 微信:syfesco-job 識别二維碼 申請該職位
Responsibilities Developing and implementing protective and hospital consumables products marketing strategies; New product launching programs; Budget controlling, keeping product margin in an optimal level; Marketing events planning, tradeshows, and promotion strategies; Closely working with domestic KOLs and counterpart in Medical Consumable international marketing to develop medical educational programs, surgeon to surgeon visitation programs, and train-the-trainer programs; Sales and distributor training; Determine and manage the marketing budget - deliver marketing activity within agreed budget; Develop pricing strategy; Successfully launched a new product in the end of 2010 which is expected to; Established and maintained the relationship with surgical associations; Implanted the executive culture in the team, developed the SOP of marketing events and work flow with sales team. Qualifications Bachelor of Science (BS); English (Bilingual proficiency) Chinese (Native); Work experie
崗位職責 在規定時間内按照工作标準,保質保量的完成(chéng)分管區域内的保潔工作; 妥善保管清潔工具和用品,不得丢失和人爲破壞,不得清潔工具和用品私借他人使用或帶回家中使用,如損壞或遺失工具照價賠償; 任職要求 女性,退休人員; 家住張士開(kāi)發(fā)區或離公司比較近; 工作嚴謹,認真負責,遵守廠區紀律。 薪酬福利 工資:1810元/月; 每周雙休; 公司提供免費午餐。 其他信息 工作時間:早8:00晚16:45 或 早7:30晚16:15 地址:沈陽經(jīng)濟技術開(kāi)發(fā)區大明湖街17号 聯系電話:17847908072(早八點-晚五點) 聯系人:張女士
Knowledge Area Sales and marketing management in medical devices industry; Profession in product management, strategic marketing, upstream marketing, professional education, and RD projects; Trained in General surgery (open laparoscopic), GI, Thoracic, Soft Tissue Repair; Orthopedics, Arthroplasty. Responsibilities Product lines management, Laparoscopic Surgery asset devices; Project ran: Deep Dive-immerging market development; Support product strategy definition and ensure brand messages consistency; Manage regional KOL, influence and enhance company and products well admitted by KOL; Provide support to central marketing and regional sales to transit strategy to each regional marketing tactical plans and work out the regional marketing activities through analysis on market, competitors, and customers; Design, manage, coordinate and evaluate tactical plans and budgets for marketing activities; Working together with sales team to ensure high quality execution of agreed tacti
沈陽德雅醫療器械(集團)有限公司爲沈陽中德産業園企業,經(jīng)營範圍包括醫療器械生産、銷售、租賃、安裝、維修及技術開(kāi)發(fā)、技術轉讓、技術咨詢、技術服務;消毒消殺用品(不含危險化學(xué)品)等。 Product Manager Responsibilities Developing and implementing protective and hospital consumables products marketing strategies; New product launching programs; Budget controlling, keeping product margin in an optimal level; Marketing events planning, tradeshows, and promotion strategies; Closely working with domestic KOLs and counterpart in Medical Consumable international marketing to develop medical educational programs, surgeon to surgeon visitation programs, and train-the-trainer programs; Sales and distributor training; Determine and manage the marketing budget - deliver marketing activity within agreed budget; Develop pricing strategy; Successfully launched a new product in the end of 2010 which is expected to; Establish