
工作内容 采購系統的數據維護; 采購訂單的跟蹤管理; 采購報價信息的收集; 完成(chéng)領導交辦的其他臨時性工作。 任職資格 本科及以上學(xué)曆,年齡23-35歲; 至少一年工作經(jīng)驗; 精通MS Office(Word, Excel, PPT); 流利英語口語能(néng)力,可作爲工作語言; 良好(hǎo)的溝通和合作能(néng)力。 薪酬福利及其他要求 薪資4000-6000/月 五險一金 一周五天,周末雙休 工作地點:大潘寶馬路 聯系方式 電話:024-3128 8660 郵箱:hanzo.z@syfesco.com Job Description Procurement system data maintenance. Purchase order tracking and management. Purchase quotation collection. Temporary work arranged by superior leaders . Qualification Bachelor or above degree, age 23-35. Min.1 year working experience. Advanced skills in MS Office(Excel,Word and Power Point). Fluent English skills. Good communication and coordination skills. Salary and Other Requirement Salary:4000-6000/month Social insurance and housing fund


普林澤(沈陽)汽車機械動力系統有限公司,簡稱普林澤沈陽,成(chéng)立于2018年2月27日,位于遼甯沈陽歐盟經(jīng)濟開(kāi)發(fā)區。隸屬于德國(guó)PRINZ Kinematics GmbH。是一家專業生産、銷售汽車鉸鏈相關産品的企業。德國(guó)PRINZ Kinematics GmbH經(jīng)過(guò)百年發(fā)展,現已成(chéng)爲最具規模化,現代化的汽車配套件生産型企業。 Main missions Prefessional manage of team members from each department on projectlevel;Self-organization according to PKS process internal and external requirements;Support Sales Team. Develop project schedule, follow up the implementation of important milestones on a regular basis, evaluate the progress of the project, and follow the risk level to follow the key risk issues. Prepare and organize project meeting and project review Organize project internal meetings, defining openings and tracking responsibilities, and reporting regularly to the general manager on their performance and risk. Ensure the implemen


普林澤(沈陽)汽車機械動力系統有限公司,簡稱普林澤沈陽,成(chéng)立于2018年2月27日,位于遼甯沈陽歐盟經(jīng)濟開(kāi)發(fā)區。隸屬于德國(guó)PRINZ Kinematics GmbH。是一家專業生産、銷售汽車鉸鏈相關産品的企業。德國(guó)PRINZ Kinematics GmbH經(jīng)過(guò)百年發(fā)展,現已成(chéng)爲最具規模化,現代化的汽車配套件生産型企業。 工作職責 原材料管理:電鍍件訂單管理;國(guó)内運輸跟蹤;國(guó)際運輸跟蹤; 進(jìn)出口:清關文件制作;更新跟蹤清單;監控進(jìn)口運輸狀态; 調度安排:在沃爾沃系統中訂倉;在系統中打印标簽并發(fā)送ASN; 循環器具管理:原材料循環器具運輸安排;成(chéng)品循環器具監控及預警;在Excel中記錄相關信息; 任職需求 本科以上學(xué)曆,物流或相關專業畢業 2年以上在汽車制造業中生産、物流方面(miàn)的工作經(jīng)驗 有較強的溝通協調能(néng)力 有ERP系統實際操作經(jīng)驗 有較強的敬業精神 英語可作

【外服誠聘|0107】Manager Quality
【外服誠聘|0107】Manager Quality

Challenges You are in charge for the Establishment and Development of the Quality Management System,as well as the implementation and maintenance of the certification of the management system. You are the contact for the fulfillment of the contractual agreed service quality between the customer and us. The planning, organization and control of all processes within the quality assurance according the requirements are part of your role as well as the monitoring and analysis of the quality KPIs. Securing that all processes required for the QM System will be implemented realized and continuously improved and comply with the requirements of the superior management system. Improvement of the motivation for quality especially by use of training and information of employees incl. awareness of quality and customer requirements within the entire organization. As well as all tasks resulting from corporate requirements with regard to the implementation and further development of the quality manage

Process and Production Engineer
Process and Production Engineer

Job Description Based on your process competence you take care of the continuous planning, analysis and optimization of all operational jobs and operating materials as well as the implementation and optimization of process flow within the assembly. Based on production time analysis (MTM) and lean methods you will define and evaluate production demands with regard totechnical feasibility and efficiency. You consider ergonomic aspects and prepare the process documentation regular (i.e. FMEA, PCP, APQP,). You align the production process towards thecustomer demands and ensure the optimal utilization of staff, machines,equipment and vehicles. Planning and execution of preventive Maintenance are part of your job as well as the recognition and repair of equipment disruptions. You will also be in charge for internal process audits and continuous improvement of the production process. Your Qualifcations Bachelor/Master degree in mechanics,production technics or industrial engineering. Min. 3 y






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