
生産操作工 企業性質 國(guó)有企業 工作地點 沈陽市渾南區白塔堡 錄用條件 45周歲以下; 中專及以上學(xué)曆; 認真負責、服從崗位安排; 能(néng)适應倒班工作。 薪酬待遇 崗位工資+加班費+餐補; 五險一金+綜合補助; 每月實發(fā)2600-3300元; 年終獎。 聯系方式 024-31288660 簡曆投遞 sky.xue@syfesco.com


通路渠道(dào)營銷 工作地點 沈陽市 工作職責 負責執行全年的電商銷售推動促銷方案及重點客戶促銷項目,并有效地向(xiàng)相關銷售同事(shì)進(jìn)項傳達,指導,監控方案在線上線下渠道(dào)的執行; 協調核監控業務發(fā)展的策略:整體渠道(dào)價格策略,銷售推動促銷策略,産品策略與實施原則; 規劃、開(kāi)發(fā)、執行通路行銷活動,制定年度通路行銷方案及預算,合理配置并管理; 負責定期提供業務數據分析:包括定期銷量分析、定期促銷活動銷量分析等,并提出相應的改善方案; 收集商業、市場、銷售競争信息方面(miàn)的數據。 任職要求 市場營銷、經(jīng)濟管理類等專業大學(xué),本科及以上學(xué)曆; 至少2年從事(shì)化妝品、快速消費品行業電商渠道(dào)的通路行銷經(jīng)驗,有電商銷售經(jīng)驗者優先; 良好(hǎo)的語言表達核溝通技巧,能(néng)承受工作壓力。 薪資待遇: 10K-15K 元/月 聯系電話: 15921518408


考務專員 企業性質 國(guó)有企業 應聘要求 40周歲以下; 大專及以上學(xué)曆; 熟練掌握及應用辦公軟件; 性格沉穩、工作認真負責; 有進(jìn)取心,有一定自主學(xué)習能(néng)力及溝通協調能(néng)力。 工作時間 周一至周五9:00-11:30,13:00-17:30; 周末雙休,法定假日休息。 工作地點 沈陽市于洪區白山路(距陵西地鐵B口630米)。 薪資待遇 基本工資2300元,五險一金,免費早餐、午餐。 報名方式 聯系電話:024-31288081 電子郵箱:kyra.ji@syfesco.com

Hot work approval and hot work inspectionaspect Qualification
Hot work approval and hot work inspectionaspect Qualification

Leader Qualifications: 1) Over 2 years working experience in firefighting and hot work management field. 2) Have the basic relevant training knowledge, could do on site trainer to hot work inspector. 3) Familiar with office software. 4) Communication skill both inEnglish and Chinese. 5) Over 2 years team leading experience, could inspire inspectors team work sense. 6) Good relevant professional knowledge. Documents management Qualifications: 1) Junior colleague or above Degree. 2) Over 1 years firefighting work experience. 3) Familiar with office software. 4) Have strong responsibility and flexible ability to deal with emergency case. 5) Be active to work. Hot work approver English speaking Qualifications: 1) Fluent in oral English communication. 2) Over 1 years firefighting work experience. 3) Familiar with office software. 4) Have strong responsibility and flexible ability to deal with emergency case. 5) Be active to work. Hot work approver Non-English Qualifications: 1) Over 1 years

Safety construction management Qualification
Safety construction management Qualification

On site supervisor Qualifications: 1) Full-time Bachelor degree or above, major in engineering or safety management 2) Over 8 years safety and fire safety projects construction management work experience, has registered Safety Engineer qualifications and have the 1st or 2nd Level qualification of Construction Engineeras a priority. 3) Could be as a priority when have the safety construction management experience in very large scare construction site. 4) Familiar with safety and fire safety management law, regulation, havefull professional knowledge of safety engineering management, equipment management and project management. 5) Have very good coordination ability, communication ability andwritten expression ability, have strong responsibility. 6) Fluent in English listening, speaking, reading and written. Associate for documents management Qualifications: 1) Full-time Bachelor degree orabove. 2) Over 2-3 year work experiencein archiving management. 3) Practical work, hard-working,be r






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